A Kindle Paperwhite for $79 is a killer deal

A Paperwhite is the best invention since Gutenberg's press.

I love to read. I try to read at least two books each week and don't limit myself to any specific genre — I just like to lose myself in a good book or two. And I've found the best way to read if you love reading as much as I do is with a Kindle Paperwhite.

See at Amazon

I've been unfaithful to my Paperwhite in the past, thinking I had little desire to keep yet another device charged and up to date and that my phone was a good enough experience that I'd not miss it. And I was wrong. A Paperwhite, with its spectacular e-ink screen, not only feels like a real book but looks even better. E-ink is probably not the right type of display for a phone (sorry Yota) or a smartwatch (sorry Pebble) but when it comes to looking at page after page of words and enjoying it, the contrast and unique screen lighting of a Kindle Paperwhite really is the best thing to happen for book lovers since Gutenberg. You'll know this is true once you take a Paperwhite outside.

Amazon's Kindle experience and ecosystem are also pretty good. Once you forget about DRM and how Amazon will do whatever it can to lock you into their store (every online bookstore seems to want this) you'll realize that any book you would want to read is probably available at the touch of a button. If it's not, you can also easily import your favorite DRM-free books into your library just by placing them on an SD card. And if you're a voracious reader, Amazon's KindleUnlimited service lets you read (or listen to if you're into Audiobooks)your choice of millions of titles any time you like for $10 per month.

Get the black version if you'll be reading outside — your eyes will thank me.

As I mentioned, I strayed and thought I no longer wanted to continue my affair with my old Paperwhite. Too many things to keep charged is a real thing, and I foolishly decided to drop a device that only needed charging every week or so and put the Paperwhite on the shelf with the rest of my unloved tech. It didn't stay there long: kids and spouses tend to make quick work of grabbing something good that never should have been abandoned. I've been meaning to grab a new Paperwhite when I caught one on sale and Prime Day made it easy.

You can get a Kindle Paperwhite with Amazon's "Special Offers" — ads on your lock screen and a banner on the home page — for just $79.99 today. That's saving you $40. If you like to read, you won't get something this nice at this price until next year.

See at Amazon

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