One Plus X is Officially Invite Free Forever ! One Plus co founder Carl Pei has officially announced that the One Plus X will be available to purchase without any invites from now until forever ! FYI, One Plus X is definitely one of the most worthy smartphone I've ever seen in my life. Several key specs include 5-inch 1080p display, Snapdragon 801 processor, 3GB of RAM, 13MP main camera, and 2525 mAh battery. With all those beefy specs and glorious design, you are only required to spend your money around $249 or roughly IDR 3.35M. Sounds like a great deal to me, how about you? Photo credit @oneplustech #TechIndo #Technology #News #OnePlus #OnePlusX #Android #Qualcomm #Snapdragon #InviteFree by tech_indo on Instagram

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