Asus has officially unveiled the list of Zenfone devices which will get the latest Android Marshmallow update ! Here is the list: - Zenfone Max ZC550KL - Zenfone Laser ZE551KL - Zenfone Zoom ZX551ML - PadFone S PF500KL - Zenfone Selfie ZD551KLL - Zenfone 2 ZE550ML - Zenfone 2 ZE551ML - Zenfone 2 Deluxe ZE551ML - Zenfone 2 Deluxe S ZE551ML - Zenfone 2 Laser ZE500KG - Zenfone 2 Laser ZE500KL - Zenfone 2 Laser ZE550KL - Zenfone 2 Laser ZE600KL - Zenfone 2 Laser ZE601KL So, here we are the full list of Zenfone devices which will get the latest Marshmallow update. Are yours inside the list ? Photo credit @asusid #TechIndo #Technology #News #Asus #Zenfone #Zenfone2 #ZenfoneZoom #Zenfone2Deluxe #Zenfone2Laser #ZenfoneMax #ZenfoneZoom #PadfoneS #ZenfoneSelfie by tech_indo on Instagram

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