The ELEPHAS LED Lantern is the coolest Camping Light/Power bank. Its like a mini modern lantern, no other way to put it. It very nice and bright with is amazing orange coloured LED and the the design of the lamp is amazing, just looks absolutely stunning. The materials used to make this device are very robust and high quality materials. The lamp can switch through various modes as well and its very portable and compact it can fit anywhere. To top it off this lamp can also be used as a power bank to charge your phone and other devices which is a super genius idea. When you are camping you may need an emergency charger and this lamp will provide that for you. Overall Score 10/10 for great price and fantastic product. Link to buy this is in the description of the review video. Review video can be seen through my YouTube channel link on my instagram bio @technonewsnow. #Elephas #LED #light #android #outdoor #camping #Smartphone #Tablet #Phone #powerbank #tech #technology #gadgets #youtube #review #subscribe #ledlight #lantern by technonewsnow on Instagram

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