What's new in Android and Google Play
| | | Google Play at Google I/O | Check out the latest announcements from Google I/O and learn how our platform can help you grow your business, from driving more installs to increasing your engagement and revenue. | | | | Featured Google Play I/O sessions | | | | | What's new on Google Play | | | 15% service fee: starting July 1, 2021, the service fee will be 15% on the first $1M (USD) of earnings each year. To enroll, we'll soon ask you which developer accounts you own in Play Console. | | | New store listing requirements: to keep your apps in good standing and remain eligible for featuring, please review the planned metadata policy changes and updated asset guidelines. | | | | | | | What's new on Android | Check out this session to catch the latest Android development announcements. Then watch the rest of the Android talks for deep-dives on your favorite topics, such as Jetpack, Android 12, Kotlin, and more. | | | | | Build powerful, reliable apps with Google Play services | Google Play services provide a consistent API surface across a wide range of Android devices and platform versions. Learn how to benefit from thin clients, automatic updates, and advanced features. | | | | | Submissions for the Indie Games Accelerator and Festival open soon | These programs that help you grow your indie games on Google Play will soon be open for applications. Get your games ready and sign up so you don't miss the announcement. | | | | | Google Security: how we fought bad apps and developers in 2020 | Find out how Google Security introduced new policies, improved their systems, and optimized processes to better protect users, help good developers, and guard against bad apps and actors. | | | | Upcoming Google Play and Android deadlines | | | | | | | | | | | | | Google Play Academy: Grow app business skills you can apply right away | Our e-learning courses are designed by Google product experts, with developers in mind. Gain the skills you need, whether you're growing your business, starting a career, or just want to look around. Hear from developers like you and how Google Play Academy helps them reach their goals. | To help you capitalize on this momentum, pre-registration on Google Play can capture consumer demand created by pre-launch marketing and activate it at launch. | | | | | | Did you find this newsletter useful? | | | | | | | |