What's new in Google Play and Android
| | | Top updates from Google Play at I/O | Discover new ways to reach the right audiences with the right content, boost your revenue with more payment options, and build safer app experiences with the latest SDK Console updates. | | | | | | Upcoming Google Play and Android policy deadlines | | | | | | | What's New In Play & Android | | | | | Build apps with generative AI features responsibly | Review essential guidance in the Google Play policies and build high-quality, safe AI-powered apps that users trust. | | | | | | | | | Google I/O Android news recap | Catch up with the latest in Android development updates, including generative AI, Android 15, form factors, Jetpack, Compose, tooling, performance, and more. | | | | | | | | GOOGLE PLAY ACADEMY | | | Increase acquisitions with search-specific custom store listings | You can now show custom store listings based on the search that brought a person to your listing and use Gemini to streamline the process. Learn how to create search-targeted custom store listings to enhance user acquisition and engagement. | | | | | | | | Installment subscriptions in Brazil, France, Italy, and Spain | Give customers the option to pay in installments for long-term subscriptions. Early access program feedback reported increases of 8% in total subscription sign-ups and 4% in customer spend. | | | | | | | | Discovery improvements | Our updates, including new, informative detail pages, make it easier for people to discover and install apps they love. | These features help users quickly find, compare, and make informed install and purchase decisions for any of their devices. | | | | | | | | Create and win with the Gemini API | Showcase the power of GenAI with a new app or service integrating the Gemini API. You could win an electrified 1981 DeLorean restomod, plus cash prizes for best Android, ARCore, Flutter, Firebase, web, and game apps. Submit by August 12, 2024. Rules and restrictions apply. | | | | | | | | | | #WeArePlay: Meet Zülal from Türkiye | Zülal's app FYE uses AI to provide detailed descriptions of videos and photos to visually impaired people. | | | | | | | | Received this email from a friend? | Subscribe here. | | | | | | | |