Best "UltraBudget" smartphone (Made that up and thats what I like to call them). Best Smartphones for £100 $150 €135 or less 2015. 1. Yu Yureka Plus £90 $130 €120 (Very Limited and Hard to Purchase) 2. Yu Yuphoria £50 $75 €70 (Very Limited and Hard to Purchase) 3. Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 £100 $150 €135 4. Xiaomi Redmi 2 Pro £80 $120 €110 5. Motorola Moto E (2nd Generation) £90 $130 €120 This is my opinion. If you know or have any phone that should worthy of being here, comment it down below and I'll check it out. #budget #bestof #2015 #bestof2015 #smartphone #android #technology #technonewsnow #motorola #motoe #xiaomi #yu #micromax #gadgets #tech by technonewsnow on Instagram

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