ndrdnws.blogspot.com's impact on online safety for kids

Hello there!

Did you get a chance to read my last email...?

Thanks in advance!

Sofia Park


On Sun, May 3, 2020 5:15 PM, Sofia Park <sofia.park@safenetexperts.com> wrote:

My name is Sofia and I volunteer to help protect children online via online courses and guides.
I see that you are also an advocate of this topic by looking at your page here http://ndrdnws.blogspot.com/2019/03/is-my-kid-too-young-for-smartphone.html .

I advised the company who wrote this guide on cyberbullying, and I wanted to take the opportunity to contact you and ask you if you don't mind sharing it on your page:

We try to educate parents and teachers alike on how to keep our kids safe online, and your help is most valued.

I appreciate your help in advance,

Sofia Park


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