See the latest Modern Android Development (MAD) announcements from Android Dev Summit
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 | November 2021 | | | Everything MAD at #AndroidDevSummit | There were so many updates on your favorite Modern Android Development tools, APIs and frameworks, you can learn more with all of the resources here. | | | |  | What's new in Android Studio | Learn about new updates and watch demos on new developments and features in Android Studio, and how the tools can integrate into your app development workflow. | | | | | |  | What's new in Room 2.4.0 | Room has introduced many new exciting features for the first time in two years. This talk dives deep into big features like auto migrations and multi-map support, and provides an overview on Paging 3.0 support in Room, experimental support for Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP), and more. | | | | | |  | Kotlin Flows in practice | With coroutines as the recommended solution for asynchronous operations, Kotlin Flow is the obvious choice for managing streams of data in Android apps. Learn about the powerful and expressive Flow APIs and how to use them across all layers of your app in a practical way—solving common use cases every developer can face. | | | | | |  | #AskAndroid: Modern Android Development | Questions on all topics were answered in this #AskAndroid session. Find out how you can reduce build times in Android Studio, whether ViewModels and Hilt have a place in the Compose world, what scenarios should be handled with LiveData rather than Flow and more. | | | | | |  | Catch-up with all the Android Dev Summit sessions | Stay up-to-date on all of your favorite Android tools and products by watching the 34 technical talks from #AndroidDevSummit. You can also replay the keynote, #AskAndroids, and Android Code-Alongs. | | | | | | | | | | | |  | Did you find this newsletter useful? | | | | | | | | |