Themes Thursday: Here are this week’s best themes for your Galaxy smartphone

We’re back with this week’s Themes Thursday, a place where we showcase the best themes released each week for Galaxy smartphones. Samsung has been releasing over 100 themes each week, and this week is no different. 105 new themes have been released in the Theme Store over the past seven days, and we’ve picked four themes that you might like.

The Pixel Theme mimics the look and feel of the UI on the newly released Pixel smartphones by Google. It uses rounded icons, dark quick setting toggles, and satellite-shot images for wallpapers and backgrounds. The Halloween Candy is one of the nicest Halloween themes around, thanks to well-designed yet quirky wallpaper and icons. The [MINU] Pixel Blue and [Kendi] Pix UI themes are good-looking too. Both of them have circular icons and excellent wallpapers. Needless to say, all these themes are paid.

If there is any other theme released this week that you liked, let us and other readers know in the comments section below.

Pixel Theme | Paid

Halloween Candy | Paid

[MINU] Pixel Blue | Paid

[Kendi] Pix UI | Paid

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