Must read: top 10 Android stories

This week we rounded up some of our favorite apps, games, smartphones and more from 2017. We also reviewed the Ticwatch S and E, talked about the upcoming Galaxy S9, and much more. Here's the news of the week!

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10 Android stories we handpicked for you

As good as it gets: has the smartphone peaked? Phones have gotten bigger, faster, and more powerful, but the overall form factor of every successful smartphone today is the same. Is this it? Has the smartphone peaked?

2017 in review: 10 defining moments in the world of Android 2017 is coming to an end, which means it's time for us to look back at some of the key moments in the world of Android, the good and the bad.

The biggest, most embarrassing blunders of 2017 Failed products, horrible decisions, baffling mistakes: these are the biggest mobile tech failures of 2017.

Ticwatch S and E review: affordable Android Wear The Ticwatch S and E drift from the original design in order to offer a more affordable option, but does the price effect the quality?

The five most underrated Android phones of 2017 There were a ton of new Android smartphones that launched in 2017, but many of them didn't get the attention they deserved.

Why cell phone plans are so expensive Plan costs haven't changed significantly over the years, even as technology has rapidly advanced. We keep paying, each and every month. Why do we pay so much?

10 most controversial apps, games, and Google Play decisions of 2017 Join us as we round up the 10 most controversial apps and otherwise bad decisions made in the Google Play Store in 2017!

Samsung in 2018: will it continue to kick ass? A look at Samsung's wins and losses of 2017, and predictions for the upcoming year.

Do we need to define 'bezel-less'? There has been a lot of talk in 2017 about bezel-less phones, but all the phones still have bezels. What gives? We need to define this term. Vote now!

3D or not 3D? Is that (yet again) the question? The notable characteristic that each and every previous 3D craze has shared is that they all ultimately failed. Will things be different with VR?

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