Themes Thursday: Take a look at this week’s three best themes

Samsung has released 85 themes in the Theme Store over the course of past one week, and we’ve shortlisted three themes that you might like: [V] Midnight 7, [V] Tictoc 7, and Sense UI Theme.

[V] Midnight 7 and [V] Tictoc 7 themes by Motiveflux Interactive are inspired by Samsung’s stock wallpaper for the Galaxy S7 and S7 edge. However, these paid themes feature colorful circular icons as opposed to Samsung’s ‘Squircle’ iconography. The Sense UI Theme by Faaiz Puthawala is a paid theme that imitates HTC’s Sense UI design that is used in the HTC 10.

Did you install any of these themes? Let us know in the comments section below, and stay tuned for next week’s Themes Thursday!

[V] Midnight 7 | Paid
Samsung Galaxy Theme - [V] Midnight 7

[V] Tictoc 7 | Paid
Samsung Galaxy Theme - [V] Tictoc 7

Sense UI Theme | Paid
Samsung Galaxy Theme - Sense UI Theme

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