Bunch of Verizon Samsung Phones Grabbed Updates This Week

galaxy s6 edge update

If you own a Samsung phone from Verizon, there is a good chance it picked-up an update this week. The Galaxy Note 8, Note 5, Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, and S6 Edge+ are all seeing security patches. Additionally, the Moto Z Play from Big Red was updated too.

The Samsung phones were all bumped up to February's security patch, while the Z Play just now found December's. All of the new software builds to be on the lookout for can be found below:

  • Galaxy Note 8: NMF26X.N950USQS3BRB1
  • Galaxy Note 5: NRD90M.N920VVRS3CRB2
  • Galaxy S6: NRD90M.G920VVRS4DRB1
  • Galaxy S6 Edge: NRD90M.G925VVRS4DRB1
  • Galaxy S6 Edge+: NRD90M.G928VVRS3CRB2
  • Moto Z Play: NDNS26.118-23-12-7-1

// Verizon [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Bunch of Verizon Samsung Phones Grabbed Updates This Week is a post from: Droid Life

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