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OneDrive 5.4 adds new tools to Scan, photo library fast scroller, and in-app camera [APK Download]

Microsoft's OneDrive app for Android received a bump to v5.4, which focuses on things related to photos. Users can expect a new Scan tool complete with basic editing tools and a faster way to scroll through their libraries, plus the ability to take photos directly within OneDrive and save them to the cloud.

Here's the changelog:

  • Crop, rotate, and choose from new filters to digitize your physical world with our enhanced Scan feature
  • Quickly navigate and find photos from a long time ago in a place far far away with our new fast scroller in the Photo view
  • Save space on your phone by capturing photos and saving them directly to OneDrive within the app

This new Scan feature seems a bit odd to me, but things of that nature rarely grab my interest. Adding a speed boost to scrolling through the photo library is a great idea, though if you use Google Photos, it's old news by now. Above the rest, however, I was curious about that last bullet point. At a cursory first glance, it sounded like some way to save the photos you take in the camera app directly to OneDrive instead of to your phone.

First left: v5.3; Second left: v5.4

Instead, it's just taking a photo using OneDrive's new camera function. A bit anticlimactic, I'd say, but I guess it's useful for some people. You access this, and the Scan feature, via the floating action button in the main Files tab.

As usual, the update should be live for everyone in the Play Store, but in case it isn't for you, we have the download link over at APK Mirror for your sideloading pleasure.

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