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Google Calendar reaches 500 million installs on the Play Store


We like celebrating milestones in download and install numbers here on Android Police. It's a silly little habit we got into that makes us reflect on the history of a certain app and its number of users, and see if we can glean any insider information from it. Just last week, Google Calculator reached 100M installs and a few days ago, more niche and recent apps Google Classroom and YouTube for Android TV got to 10M. Larger numbers are a little tougher to achieve unless you're part of an elite and this is the case with Google Calendar today: it has reached 500M installs. Somebody set a reminder to buy confetti!

Google released Calendar on the Play Store back in, believe it or not, 2012. It was clad in the Holo-est of designs and it wasn't until the end of 2014 that we got the Material Design update that is still now gracing our screens. Sure, there have been plenty of changes since, but the interface remains mostly unchanged and to be frank, I quite like it.

Unlike other Google apps such as Chrome and YouTube and Maps and Drive, Calendar doesn't come by default on many OEM phones so it doesn't benefit from the compulsory install base of those apps (which have long ago reached the 1B marker). While some companies like Nokia and OnePlus have opted for Google Calendar, others like Samsung and LG have their own calendar apps installed. That makes the 500M number a bit more impressive, given that many users would have to look for it and install it manually. And for a bit of perspective, Google Calendar is now in the same milestone section as imo, UC Browser, and SHAREit by Lenovo. Weird company, I hope they'll add an event to celebrate together.

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