Daily Deal: 34% off Samsung EVO Select 256GB microSD card

The headphone jack may be on its way out of Samsung smartphones, but the microSD slot lives on. Smartphones come with an excellent amount of onboard storage these days, but when the need arises, microSD cards can be a very cost-effective way to add more storage. Samsung's EVO line of microSD cards are often available at a discount, and the latest deal can get you a Samsung EVO Select 256GB microSD card at 34% off. This card can touch read and write speeds of 100 MB/s and 90 MB/s respectively and is the perfect candidate for your smartphone and other digital devices, like a DSLR.

Hit the Buy Now button below to get one while still available!

The post Daily Deal: 34% off Samsung EVO Select 256GB microSD card appeared first on SamMobile.

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