“Elements of Android R” Version 0.1 Released

Subscribers now have access to Version 0.1 of Elements of Android R, in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI/Kindle formats. Just log into your Warescription page to download it, or set up an account and subscribe!

As with last year's Elements of Android Q, this will be a small book, focusing on the changes introduced by Android R. This first version covers a fair bit of ground, including:

  • Changes to scoped storage, MediaStore, and permissions
  • Data access auditing and application exit auditing
  • The new package visibility restrictions
  • Sharing UIs between apps using SurfaceControlViewHost

As new developer preview releases of R roll out, I will add more chapters plus update the existing ones to reflect any behavior changes that I see in what I have covered already.

Everyone's timelines are scrambled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so predicting what will happen in the coming months is difficult. In theory, R Developer Preview 3 should ship sometime in April. With luck, I will have an update to this book out a few weeks after that.

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