Gear VR users will soon be able to fight Minecraft bosses in virtual reality

Minecraft for Gear VR was released a few months ago even before the game received support for the Oculus VR headset and now developer Mojang has confirmed that it’s going to get the much awaited “bosses update.” Minecraft is best known for enabling players to build whatever they want out of blocks but it also has a Survival Mode that makes things very interesting once the sun goes down or players find themselves in a dark corner. Mojang has confirmed that Survival Mode is getting support for the Gear VR meaning players will be able to have boss fights in virtual reality.

Aside from bosses, the latest Minecraft update also adds ocean monuments, blocks and beacons. The Wither, Ender dragon and Elder Guardian are the three original Minecraft bosses and The Wither and Elder Guardian are making their way to Gear VR. Mojang hasn’t confirmed when this update is going to be out for the Gear VR edition of Minecraft. It says that we should expect this free update to drop “soon-ish.”


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