Samsung demonstrates peak download speeds of 230 Mbps on the Galaxy Note 7 with Sprint

Samsung and Sprint have conducted a live demonstration of three-channel carrier aggregation out in the field. The demonstration was meant to show what’s next for Sprint’s LTE Plus Network which runs on Samsung’s network infrastructure technology. Peak download speeds of up to 230 Mbps were demonstrated on some of Samsung’s best devices including the Galaxy Note 7, the Galaxy S7 and the Galaxy S7 edge.

Carrier aggregation is a feature of LTE-Advanced which joins together bands of spectrum to create wider channels so that there is greater capacity and faster speeds on compatible devices. Basically, it creates a wider lane which enables more data traffic to travel at higher rates. Sprint has now deployed three-channel carrier aggregation on more than 500 cell sites in Chicago.

Samsung’s three-channel carrier aggregation technology is powering the entire setup, it was delivered to Sprint’s existing LTE Plus network via a software upgrade. At the demonstration Samsung successfully showed off peak speeds on the aforementioned devices.

“We continue to invest in LTE Advanced technologies, and drive commercialization of new three-channel aggregation features with carriers such as Sprint through both our Network infrastructure and device products. This will ensure customers will receive the best possible wireless service experience,” aid Mark Louison, SVP and General Manager of Samsung Networks.

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