New Gear S2 software update targets battery optimization

Whether the Gear S2 will ever be updated to Tizen 3.0 is unknown (it probably won’t, given it’s two years old at this point), but Samsung is continuing to support it with minor updates, with the latest one having gone live today. The update brings optimization for increased battery life and enhanced security, and that’s about it.

Gear S2 gets new update

The update is available on our Gear S2 in the Netherlands, but we’re guessing it’s also gone live in other regions or will do so in the near future. To grab the update, open the Samsung Gear app on your connected phone, go into settings, and then into the About gear section. It’s only 22 MB in size, so you should see it installed in a matter of minutes. The build number after the update will be XXU2EQJ2.

Should you discover anything new on your Gear S2 after the update is installed, do let us know in the comments. Also let us know if you’re seeing the update in your country.

New Gear S2 software update targets battery optimization

The post New Gear S2 software update targets battery optimization appeared first on SamMobile.

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