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Poweramp v3 beta shows off a complete redesign of the classic music player


In the early days of Android, it was tough to find a good music player. Let's face facts—Android itself was pretty ugly, and developers didn't have the best tools. However, Poweramp offered a slick UI (for the time) and ample features. The app has fallen by the wayside over time, but there's a new beta build that gives Poweramp a much-needed fresh coat of paint.

As you can probably tell from the screens, this app is totally redesigned. Check below for some screens from the current stable build, which hasn't seen a UI overhaul in years. In addition to a new look, the beta of Poweramp has more features. Here's the full changelog from the Poweramp forums.

  • New UI
  • New navigation: swipe or click album art to go to the current playing list as previously, swipe album art for the next/previous track, drag more for category change (applies also to the bottom miniplayer)
  • Use bottom miniplayer to return to the main ui or to change tracks
  • Swipe left/right from lists for fast return
  • Pinch-zoom in lists
  • New menus, panels, popups, dialogs, etc.
  • New "wave" seekbar
  • New visualization panel (appears when a visualization is active, NOTE: filtering/list operations don't work yet)
  • New notifications (3 different implementations depending on Android version)
  • Updated Hi-Res (Exp) Output for Android 7.0 (but it doesn't work for Android 8)
  • New OpenSL HD Output for Android 8.0.

The new Poweramp is still very early, and the developer cautions it's not ready for day-to-day use. If you're still the type to carry around a lot of local music, you might want to check this app out anyway. It's not in the Play Store yet (not even as a beta), but you can grab the APK from the forums or on APK Mirror.

The old app

  • Thanks:
  • Siddharth,
  • Sachin,
  • and Nenad

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