Samsung denied appeal on $119.6 million iPhone patent verdict

A jury verdict handed down in May 2014 found that both Apple and Samsung had infringed on each others’ patents and even though Apple had sought $2.2 billion in damages, Samsung was ordered to pay $119.6 million for violating on three of Apple’s patents. The patents were related to iPhone slide-to-unlock, quick links and auto-correct. Apple was ordered to pay Samsung $158,400 for infringing on one patent.

Samsung then filed an appeal which worked in its favor as the original verdict was overturned in its favor. Apple moved for a review before a full court which reached the conclusion last month that the verdict was justified and it restored the $119.6 million damages award.

Samsung then moved the US Court of Appeals for an en banc hearing but the court has denied it. The company can now choose to pay the award or go to the Supreme Court. The United States Supreme Court is already hearing the first Apple vs Samsung patent case. Preliminary arguments have been made by both sides but there’s still a long way to go. The Supreme Court is expected to hand down a verdict on that matter by June next year.

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