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New Chromebook Pro from Samsung might get a specs bump

Samsung announced the Chromebook Plus and Chromebook Pro back at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show in January. The company delayed the latter’s release by several months due to issues with Android app compatibility. The Chromebook Pro was finally released on May 28.

According to a report, there’s a new Chromebook Pro from Samsung in the pipeline. It’s said to be a “highly-upgraded” version, meaning that it’s likely going to get a specs bump.

New Chromebook Pro

The Chromebook Pro currently features an Intel Core m3 processor with 4GB of RAM. The report claims that the new Chromebook Pro will feature an Intel Core m7 processor with 16GB of RAM. This specs bump should, at least in theory, put the performance figures on par with Google’s latest high-end Pixelbook.

Whether or not there will be any design changes remains to be seen. Existing features like the 360-degree rotating touchscreen display, support for a digitized Pen and Android apps are likely to be retained.

The specs bump will mean that the new Chromebook Pro is going to be more expensive. The current model costs $549.99. There’s no information as yet on what the pricing might be. One can expect that it’s going to be a couple of hundred dollars more than the current model.

Samsung launched the Chromebook Pro at CES 2017. There’s a good chance that the updated model might be unveiled at CES 2018 in January.


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