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Samsung to release the Android 8.0 Oreo update in Turkey in early 2018

Samsung’s Turkish subsidiary is aiming to start rolling out the much-anticipated Android 8.0 Oreo update in Turkey at the beginning of 2018, according to a post published on Guncelmiyiz, the firm’s local update portal.

While we don’t know exactly what smartphones—and tablets—will receive the upgrade in the region, it’s safe to assume that the Galaxy Note 8 and Galaxy S8 will be among the first, closely followed by the Galaxy S7.

Related: These Galaxy devices will be updated to Android 8.0 Oreo

As this is Samsung we’re talking about, we wouldn’t recommend fixating on the early 2018 release date, but nevertheless, having confirmation it’s actively developing the firmware for use on its devices is certainly reassuring.

For those unaware, Android 8.0 Oreo bundles a number of long-awaited features, including support for Program-in-Picture (PiP), notification channels, adaptive icons and circular emoji, as well as a number of bug fixes.

Via Source

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