SoundAssistant is one of Samsung’s best applications, but it isn’t for everyone

Earlier this week, Samsung updated its SoundAssistant application with support for the Galaxy Note 8—and I haven’t been able to put it down since. There’s something about having complete control over all of your handset’s audio preferences that’s oddly satisfying (I know, I know, I’m probably the only person who feels that way).

Related: SoundAssistant is now compatible with the Galaxy Note 8

There isn’t anything to say about SoundAssistant that hasn’t already been said. It’s a must-have tool that allows you to alter the increments at which volume is changed, control the volume of individual applications and configure scenarios that automatically mute/unmute your handset at predetermined times of the day.

You can see how SoundAssistant would be a useful addition to your day-to-day life, right?

My favorite feature, if I’m being completely honest, is having the option to change the volume of each application. When I’m commuting, for example, I engage in a friendly game of Texas Hold’em Poker on Facebook, so being able to listen to the cards shuffle and my music at the same time is..erm…refreshing.

But that’s not all you can do with SoundAssistant. There are a bunch of other hidden features, including Dual App Sound, a feature that allows you to play application sound and the same time as other applications. Be warned, though: if not managed correctly, it can be awfully overwhelming.

SoundAssistant has hundreds, if not thousands, of different applications—and it’s really something you need to try for yourself to see how it could benefit your life. One thing to note, however, is that it can put a persistent notification in your drawer, so if you’re sickened by the thought of them, best steer clear.

The post SoundAssistant is one of Samsung’s best applications, but it isn’t for everyone appeared first on SamMobile.

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