5G for the Mi MIX 3: Xiaomi beats Huawei and Samsung to it

Yes, you read that right. Xiaomi's next flagship will include a 5G NR modem and it's not just a rumor, there is evidence! The Xiaomi MIX line, famous for its design and innovation, looks like it will beat the big brands to the 5G finish line.

Confirming this news is Donovan Sung, Xiaomi's director of product management, with a photo posted on Twitter. In the photo, in addition to being able to admire again the Xiaomi Mi MIX 3 in all its beauty with its very thin bezels around the display, you can see the smartphone of the Chinese company going through connectivity tests.

Not only can you see the fictitious phone cells used for testing and set to NR5G (New Radio 5G) connectivity but you can see in the Android status bar the logo that indicates the connection of the smartphone to that network.

Technically, Mi MIX 3 could be the world's first mass-produced smartphone with 5G connectivity without the need for extra accessories such as is the case with the Verizon Moto Z3 and 5G Moto Mod.

However, it is not yet clear whether the working frequencies used by Xiaomi in China will be the same as those used elsewhere for the new connection standard but we are probably looking at the new X50 modem from Qualcomm in conjunction with the Snapdragon 845.

Previous Mi MIX models were global phones so there's some hope. Of course, it remains to be seen which carriers will allow the 5G connection and the kind of operator plans that will integrate 5G. Xiaomi has made no secret of its plans to follow up European success with an entry into the famously difficult US market, and so far, it has not been slapped with the same hostility as fellow Chinese brand Huawei.

Are you excited for the Xiaomi Mi MIX 3?

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