Spotify is giving a free Google Home Mini to every US Family account (seriously)

  • Spotify is partnering with Google to give away free Google Home Mini smart speakers.
  • Current and new subscribers to the Spotify Premium for Family service can get a Google Home Mini starting November 1.
  • It is not clear what happens if you sign up, get the Mini, and then unsubscribe.

Today, Spotify announced it is giving away Google Home Mini smart speakers to some of its subscribers. Best of all, this isn't a new sign-up bonus — current subscribers are eligible as well.

The Spotify Google Home Mini giveaway starts tomorrow, November 1, 2018, and goes until December 31, 2018. That means for two months everyone who has a Spotify Premium for Family account in the United States gets a free Google Home Mini, just like that.

Although we haven't been able to read the fine print since the promotional period hasn't yet started, Spotify's announcement about the promotion doesn't mention any strings or limitations. From what the company discloses, all you have to do is be a United States resident, sign up for Spotify Premium for Family (or already be signed up), and boom: you get a free Google Home Mini.

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Obviously, there has to be some sort of caveats to this promotion. After all, theoretically, you could sign up for one month of Spotify Premium for Family (currently $14.99 per month), get your Google Home Mini, and then unsubscribe. Doing so would get you a Google Home Mini for $14.99, which doesn't seem realistic.

We will keep an eye on the promotional page going live tomorrow and update this article should we figure out what the limitations actually are.

Spotify, Google Assistant, and the line of Google Home hardware products already play very nice together. You can use voice commands to request Spotify tracks and you can even set Spotify as your default music provider within Google Assistant and Google Home. It's likely this promotion is more about getting more people to adopt the Google Home ecosystem than it is about netting new Spotify subscribers.

Are you a Spotify Premium for Family account holder in the United States? Will you be grabbing a free Google Home Mini tomorrow? Let us know in the comments!

NEXT: There is finally an official Spotify app for Wear OS

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