Samsung helps scale up mask manufacturing in coronavirus fight

Samsung is offering support to manufacturers of face masks struggling to ramp up their product outputs as South Korea continues its fight against COVID-19. The development is just the latest in a long series of moves Samsung made as part of its contributions to international relief efforts seeking to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus strain.

Just over a month ago, Samsung began closely collaborating with protective gear manufacturers Loesstech, E&W, and Evergreen. Among other things, it shared its vast engineering talent with the firms in question, allowing them to scale their operations with the constantly rising market demands much more efficiently, primarily by helping them with various levels of automation.

Samsung maintains aggressive coronavirus strategy

Naturally, the most immediate goal of the initiative is accelerating the deployment of smart factory solutions, for which Samsung went as far as to completely circumvent the need for certain component imports by swiftly sourcing them from within its vast holdings across South Korea.

The aforementioned partnerships were established following recommendations from various Korean government agencies. This is hardly the first occasion on which Samsung stepped up to the challenge of staving off the ongoing threat of the highly infectious disease that's been keeping the majority of the planet on lockdown since early March. The company itself has yet to experience the worst effects of the pandemic but massive revenue declines and unprecedentedly low production rates resulting from temporary factory closures did not stop Samsung from aggressively donating its expertise, facilities, and resources to millions in need.

The post Samsung helps scale up mask manufacturing in coronavirus fight appeared first on SamMobile.

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