Galaxy S8 Device Quality Agent error fixed in urgent software update

Samsung today released an “urgent” software update which fixes the Galaxy S8 Device Quality Agent error. You might have noticed this software component error if you’re based in the United States or Canada.

Many users who downloaded the day-one software update on the Galaxy S8 in the US and Canada were met with the Device Quality Agent error after every 30 seconds to a minute. The error would inform them that “DQA keeps stopping.” This software component is meant to keep an eye on Wi-Fi quality throughout the device.

The only temporary fix available to users involved force closing the Device Quality Agent app or disabling the Wi-Fi. Both solutions weren’t good for those who want to use their Galaxy S8 as their daily driver.

No wonder Samsung has rushed this software update via the Galaxy Apps Store to fix the Galaxy S8 Device Quality Agent error. Samsung is also going to release another software update for the Galaxy S8 soon which is going to take care of the reddish tint on display issue that some users are facing.


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