Samsung Opens ‘Samsung-AUT Tech Center’ in Iran in Partnership with the AmirKabir University of Technology


As part of a joint partnership between Samsung Electronics and the AmirKabir University of Technology (AUT) in Iran, the Samsung-AUT Tech Center was recently opened to support technology research and innovative projects, in addition to boosting education and employment prospects for students.


Operating under the Samsung Corporate Citizenship series of programs, the center’s primary focus is on mobile application development within the health, environment and energy, education, and employment sectors. As part of its efforts, the center will provide logistical and technical support, as well as facilitate the development, production, and introduction of innovative and useful applications.


At the center, young people will also receive support in the form of training, mentorship and equipment, with the aim that they use this support to create their own projects that will help them to become more employable in the future. In addition, with research and development another major activity of the center, Samsung will also support knowledge-based ideas and companies.


For Samsung, partnering with the AUT has numerous benefits, with the school being one of the best polytechnic universities in Iran. In addition to helping validate the work being carried out at the center, the partnership also enables Samsung the rare opportunity to reside in a university facility.


“Technological development and supporting related R&D activities are among the main requirements for any developing country, and universities play an undeniable role in this regard,” said BumSuk Hong, Vice President of Samsung Electronics Iran. “As one of the world’s leading technology brands with a keen interest in supporting innovative and new ideas in the field, Samsung Electronics has partnered with the AmirKabir University of Technology to launch this Tech Center, paving the path for many innovative ideas ahead.”


Dr. Ahmad Motamedi, President of the AUT, said, “Cooperation with international companies and utilizing their scientific capabilities, is a strategic plan of the university. It’s for this reason that we decided to benefit from the international experiences and technological capabilities of Samsung through a joint project, and fortunately our decision was welcomed by Samsung officials.”



The Samsung-AUT Tech Center sits alongside other Samsung education initiatives in Iran, which aims to create jobs for young people. The Samsung Engineering Academy has been in operation for more than two years and around 1,200 people have graduated from the academy already. 41 of the graduates have also been recruited by Sam Service, a Samsung partner company.


As Samsung continues its citizenship efforts in Iran, the company looks forward to both empowering and supporting the country’s talented young people as well as contributing to a better society for the future.

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