Barnes & Noble releases their second tablet of the year with the Nook 7″

Barnes & Noble releases their second tablet of the year with the Nook 7″

Barnes & Noble hopped back into the tablet game almost exactly one month ago with their brand new 10-inch Nook tab, and now they're followed it up almost immediately with a smaller, 7-inch version of the Nook. It still fundamentally works the same, allowing you to access your B&N digital book library while still keeping access to the Google Play ecosystem of apps, games, and media.

It's only $49, which is dirt cheap, but keep in mind you won't be getting top-shelf specs here. The 7-inch display has a 1024 x 600 resolution powered by an undisclosed CPU, although Barnes & Noble is putting 16GB of storage in this device. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but trust me, if you've ever looked at cheap Android tablets, it's not common.

The tablet is rated to last for about 7 hours on a single charge, which should get you a pretty decent mix of reading, watching, and browsing. I doubt it'll be much of a gaming powerhouse, but again, for $50 I don't think you've got much room to complain here.

You can pick one up in stores or online right away, just in time for the holidays.

source: Barnes & Noble

Born in southern Alabama, Jared spends his working time selling phones and his spare time writing about them. The Android enthusiasm started with the original Motorola Droid, but the tech enthusiasm currently covers just about everything. He likes PC gaming, Lenovo's Moto Z line, and a good productivity app.

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