Galaxy Tab S3 now supports HDR video streaming from Netflix

Samsung has released a long-awaited update—T820XXU1AQI2— for the Galaxy Tab S3 in the Netherlands, which bundles support for HDR video streaming for Netflix, in addition to a handful of bug fixes and security improvements—but unfortunately, there’s no word on what exactly they do.

The full changelog can be seen below:

  • A new feature for Samsung Pass
  • Support for Netflix HDR
  • Kids Mode can be reinstalled where it was previously deleted
  • SoundCamp can be reinstalled where it was previously deleted
  • Overall security has been improved

This news comes less than a month after a similar upgrade arrived on the Galaxy Note 8, leaving the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ as the only HDR-ready devices in the firm’s lineup still yet to receive compatibility for HDR video streaming from Netflix, though it’s expected to reach them in the near future.

Related: Netflix starts supporting HDR video streaming on the Galaxy Note 8

Checking to see if the release is available for your Galaxy Tab S3 couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is open up Settings, select Software Update, then hit Download Updates Manually. If it isn’t ready yet, don’t panic. It should arrive on your slate by the end of the week. Just be patient.

The post Galaxy Tab S3 now supports HDR video streaming from Netflix appeared first on SamMobile.

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