Samsung Milk Music being shut down for good, streaming to be integrated in Samsung Music

Samsung launched its music streaming service called Milk Music in 2014. It wanted to take on established rivals with the service but Samsung Milk never got the response from users that Samsung would have liked. Milk was limited to users in South Korea, United States, China, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia.

It decided last year that it was no longer feasible to keep the service up and running. Samsung started shutting down Milk in various markets last year. Samsung has now confirmed that it’s shutting down Milk for good.

Samsung Milk Music will cease to exist come October 23. It will no longer own and operate its own music streaming service. However, users in supported markets will be able to stream music from the native Samsung Music app.

It’s now opting for a White label solution from Soribada Inc, a Korean company in the online music business. This streaming experience will be offered via the native Samsung Music app on the company’s smartphones.

“We decided to remove the Milk brand for users’ convenience, and to provide a unified music player through Samsung Music,” confirmed a Samsung official.

Samsung Milk Music will finally meet its end on October 23 after which the streaming functionality will only be available through Samsung Music.

The post Samsung Milk Music being shut down for good, streaming to be integrated in Samsung Music appeared first on SamMobile.

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