Gear Fit 2 updated with support for continuous heart rate monitoring

Samsung is in the midst of rolling out a new software update for the Gear Fit 2. The upgrade bundles support for continuous heart rate monitoring, as well as a couple of fresh watchfaces—Fitness Pro and Pedometer—and applications: Schedule and Weather.

The newly-introduced continuous heart rate monitoring feature will probably be used most during workouts. That’s why Samsung has created an accompanying Heart Rate Zone (HRZ) tool, which can instantly tell you how hard you’re working your body.

  • Heart Rate Zone 1: 50–60% of HR Max – Very Light
  • Heart Rate Zone 2: 60–70% of HR Max – Light
  • Heart Rate Zone 3: 70–80% of HR Max – Moderate
  • Heart Rate Zone 4: 80–90% of HR Max – Hard
  • Heart Rate Zone 5: 90–100% of HR Max – Maximum

The upgrade is currently only making the rounds in Indonesia, according to the folks over at Tizen Experts, though it should reach other regions in the not-too-distant future, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for a notification prompting you to install the OTA.

Announced back in 2016, the Gear Fit 2 is a fitness wearable that not only records your calorie intake, exercise and sleep, but also has 4GB of integrated storage that can be used for wireless music playback. Its successor, the Gear Fit2 Pro, was unveiled last month.

The post Gear Fit 2 updated with support for continuous heart rate monitoring appeared first on SamMobile.

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