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Samsung donates $1.1 million for Mexico earthquake relief efforts

You have heard the news about the devastating earthquakes in Mexico recently. It’s an incredibly tough time for the country as it deals with the fallout of the natural disaster. Samsung today announced that it’s going to make a contribution to aid the Mexico earthquake relief efforts.

Mexico was hit by two very strong earthquakes on September 7 and September 19. Reports show that hundreds of people have died and many more are injured. It’s unclear how much damage has been caused to public and private property.

Companies and organizations from all over the globe are playing their part in the Mexico earthquake relief efforts. Samsung Electronics Mexico today announced that it’s donating 20 million pesos or $1.1 million toward Mexico earthquake relief and recovery efforts.

The aid will help people in communities that have been affected by the earthquakes. Samsung will be donating the money to the Mexican Red Cross and several other institutions that are committed to the relief efforts.

“Mexico is a strong country that remains standing. We are witnessing a great sense of brotherhood among Mexicans, and Samsung is committed to supporting this cause,” said H.S. Jo, President of Samsung Electronics Mexico.

Samsung started its operations in Mexico back in 1995. It was recently recognized as a Socially Responsible Company for the second consecutive year by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy.


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