WhatsApp on your tablet? Now available from the Play Store

Good news! If you have a tablet and want to use the WhatsApp messaging app, now you can. WhatsApp is available for download from the Google Play Store. But there is a little catch... You have to be a beta tester to do that.

The users who have signed up for Whatsapp's beta program will now be the lucky ones who don't have to go through the cumbersome path that, until now, meant downloading the app natively to be able to install it on their tablets. Before, it was necessary to download the APK to enjoy the pleasure of communicating through the world's most widely used message application.

From today, beta testers will only have to go to the Google Play Store to be able to chat from their devices with all of their contacts. But we have to remind you that WhatsApp does not work like Telegram, so it is impossible to have the same account open on two devices at the same time. If you have your WhatsApp account open on your Android tablet you will not be able to use it on your smartphone and vice versa...

But don't worry, if you're not a beta tester and you want to use WhatsApp on your tablet, don't worry, you can keep doing it the way you are now. In our dedicated article we tell you how to download the application.

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